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Openworld FlashPresenter Features

Getting Started with Openworld FlashPresenter

Your Presentation Screen

PowerPoint Import

PowerPoint Import Wizard

Step 1 - Open Presentation

Step 2 - PowerPoint Slide Narration

Step 3 - Narration Results

PowerPoint Import Preferences

Creating New Presentation

Getting Started

Video Setup

Video Encoding Setup

Transcript Setup

Slides Setup

Media Synchronization

Synchronization Overview

Editing Transcript

Synchronizing the Transcript

Contents Creation

Synchronizing Slides

Synchronizing Speakers

Hyperlinks and Resources Links Creation

Synchronizing Hyperlinks and Resources Links

Glossary Building

Creating Quizzes

New Quiz Creation

Quiz Properties Setup

Quiz Customization

Quiz Results Processing

Presentation Export

Exporting Your Presentation

Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio


Flash Media Server
Configuration Basics

Accompanying Tools

Video Converter

Video Joiner

Video Encoding Preferences

MP3 To FLV Converter

MP3 Compressor

Audio Uncompressor

MP3 Sound Recorder


DEMO Mode Limitations

Software Activation and Order Information

Contact Information


Video Encoding Setup

To add a video/audio track that has been recorded in formats other than FLV to your presentation: :

Openworld FlashPresenter natively uses Flash Video Format (FLV) for the video/audio playback. If your video file is in a format other than FLV convert your files recorded in AVI, MPEG, etc. into FLV in just a few steps, shown below. Also see an important notice about several video formats at the bottom of this page.

  Fill in the Speaker Title field. This text - normally the Speaker's name - will appear just below the video area in your presentation.

  Fill in the Speaker Subtitle field. The next line of text - normally the Speaker's position and/or organization name - will appear below the speaker title in your presentation.

 Set the source video file format to «Other Video/Audio Formats».

 Choose the source video file by clicking the yellow folder button and using standard «Open File» dialog.

  Specify the target video file name by directly editing the Target Video text field or by clicking the yellow folder button and using the standard «Save File» dialog option.

 The video / audio properties data will appear and the Encode button will be activated.   and the Click the encode button to start the encoding (converting your video file to FLV format) process.

 Choose the video and audio quality/bandwidth parameters for encoding. Choose the video and audio quality/bandwidth parameters to be used. Note that the higher the bandwidth, the higher will be the quality of the video or audio. So make sure to choose a higher level for in-house presentations delivered on CDs or through a LAN system (recommended levels could be 25fps/ 44kHz). When creating an online presentation, it is recommended that you specify low bit-rate levels (such as 15 fps / 22kHz) to deliver your video smoothly through Internet. Otherwise your target audience may have issues with the video playback, if their Internet bandwidth is inadequate.

Recommended settings are given:

 Now Click the «Encode» button to start encoding.

 Note: You may click the Play button to preview your source video file in the standard Windows Media Player.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may have video in a format, not supported by Openworld FlashPresenter's FLV Encoder. For example it does not support Windows Media 9 Video (a.k.a. WMV3), Microsoft MPEG-4 Version 3 Video, Indeo Video and few other video formats. In this case you can use Video Converter - a special tool, included into Openworld FlashPresenter, which lets you easily convert your video into format, supported by Openworld FlashPresenter's FLV Video Encoder. So, you need to open Video Converter, convert you video into MPEG-4 (recommended) format and then use Openworld FlashPresenter FLV Video Encoder to produce FLV file. See Video Converter tool description for more information.

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