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Openworld FlashPresenter Features
Getting Started with Openworld FlashPresenter
Your Presentation Screen
PowerPoint Import
PowerPoint Import Wizard
Step 1 - Open Presentation
Step 2 - PowerPoint Slide Narration
Step 3 - Narration Results
PowerPoint Import Preferences
Creating New Presentation
Getting Started
Video Setup
Video Encoding Setup
Transcript Setup
Slides Setup
Media Synchronization
Synchronization Overview
Editing Transcript
Synchronizing the Transcript
Contents Creation
Synchronizing Slides
Synchronizing Speakers
Hyperlinks and Resources Links Creation
Synchronizing Hyperlinks and Resources Links
Glossary Building
Creating Quizzes
New Quiz Creation
Quiz Properties Setup
Quiz Customization
Quiz Results Processing
Presentation Export
Exporting Your Presentation
Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio
Flash Media Server Configuration Basics
Accompanying Tools
Video Converter
Video Joiner
Video Encoding Preferences
MP3 To FLV Converter
MP3 Compressor
Audio Uncompressor
MP3 Sound Recorder
DEMO Mode Limitations
Software Activation and Order Information
Contact Information
Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio delivery
When HTTP Straming should be used.
For sure, the most reliable Flash video/audio stream delivery technology is
based on RTMP protocol. This technology lets user to navigate across the stream
with very short delays, required only for stream buffering at the client side.
Using RTMP technology client side receives the video/audio stream in the real
time, i.e. with the speed, defined by the video bitrate. Thus, the Internet
traffic is as low as possible in this case.
The main RTMP technology disadvantage is the special server-side software need,
as well as the price of this software. Vast majority of web hostings around the
world offer only HTTP (web) server with PHP/MySQL or similar server-side
add-ons. Hostings, offering RTMP server, usually have ten to thirty times higher
hosting fee. Such situation makes it dificult to host Flash content for
individuals and non-commercial organizations, as well as for small business
Here is where HTTP Streaming technology can help. It uses any HTTP (web) server
with PHP/MySQL or other similar server-side scripting language and database
engine. In brief, the technology works as follows. The server-side script
accepts a time value from the client-side Flash application, finds offset
value in the video file (using the database, storing these values) and sends
a video file portion, starting from this offset, back to the client application.
In this way client-side Flash application receives the video/audio stream
starting from the required time value, but not from the zero time offset. In
addition such script can limit the delivery speed (a number of bytes, coming
from server to client per second) down to a value, enough for reliable playback,
but not creating a big extra (useless) Internet traffic.
How to enable the HTTP Straming delivery in your presentation.
1. Export your presentation with HTTP Streaming option selected in
the Video Delivery Method section. Also you must specify a URL for video
delivery in a special format like this:
• your.website.com - is the domain name of your website;
• somepath - is a subdirectory (if any) where the script is located;
• stream.php - is the script name;
• br=nnn - is the bitrate value (nnn is the number of
• file=yourfile - is the video/audio file name without
FLV extention.
2. During the video export a dialog appears, asking for indexing SQL
file creation. You need to choose the file name, the table name and the
indexing interval. Then a text file will be created near of your output
video file, containing the SQL script for your database engine. This script
creates a new database table with your FLV file index. You need to import
this file into your database using your database Administration Board. Please
refer to your database engine documentation or a help file for more information
about SQL files import.
3. Upload your presentation to a web hosting server: just copy all the
directories, which you have got within an export directory, assigned at
Openworld FlashPresenter Export page, to your web hosting server into any
web-accessible directory, as you need. Video delivery path (URL) may differ
from other presentation parts location.
4. At the web hosting server side:
• create a subdirectories structure at your web hosting server,
like which you can see within the Docs\HTTPStream\ subdirectory of the
Openworld FlashPresenter installation directory; The "root" of this structure
must be accessible by HTTP, as the URL http://yourwebsite.com/somepath/ (see
• upload the stream.php script, which you can find in
the Docs\HTTPStream\ subdirectory of the Openworld FlashPresenter
installation directory, to the "root" of created directories structure;
• update the Docs\HTTPStream\inc\config.php script,
assigning your web hosting data for the server-side database engine and the
default streaming parameters;
• upload the config.php script, pointed above, into the
inc subdirectory of the directories structure created;
• upload your video files into the streams subdirectory
of the directories structure created; each file must have .flv extention;
Of course, it is possible to modify the stream.php script, adding some
extra features, like the client identification and/or authorization, access control,