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Openworld FlashPresenter Features

Getting Started with Openworld FlashPresenter

Your Presentation Screen

PowerPoint Import

PowerPoint Import Wizard

Step 1 - Open Presentation

Step 2 - PowerPoint Slide Narration

Step 3 - Narration Results

PowerPoint Import Preferences

Creating New Presentation

Getting Started

Video Setup

Video Encoding Setup

Transcript Setup

Slides Setup

Media Synchronization

Synchronization Overview

Editing Transcript

Synchronizing the Transcript

Contents Creation

Synchronizing Slides

Synchronizing Speakers

Hyperlinks and Resources Links Creation

Synchronizing Hyperlinks and Resources Links

Glossary Building

Creating Quizzes

New Quiz Creation

Quiz Properties Setup

Quiz Customization

Quiz Results Processing

Presentation Export

Exporting Your Presentation

Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio


Flash Media Server
Configuration Basics

Accompanying Tools

Video Converter

Video Joiner

Video Encoding Preferences

MP3 To FLV Converter

MP3 Compressor

Audio Uncompressor

MP3 Sound Recorder


DEMO Mode Limitations

Software Activation and Order Information

Contact Information


Exporting Your Presentation

1. Fine-tuning Your Presentation.

Openworld Flash Presenter offers several ways to polish and customize the appearance of your presentation. You can choose one or more of these advanced options before you export your presentation for public viewing.

 Add a Logo: You can display a custom image in JPEG or PNG format having maximum dimensions of 200 x 160 pixels on your presentation. Semi-transparent images in PNG format can also be used.

  Use a still photo (with audio) of the speaker: In cases where you are using an Audio-only (rather than Video/Audio) track as the basis for yourpresentation, you can assign a still photo of the speaker to appear while the audio plays. The speaker image can be in JPEG or PNG format with maximum dimensions of 192 x 176 pixels.

  Apply a background "sound track": You can also include a background music or other sound track that can play while the speaker is narrating a presentation. The background sound is stopped automatically when user clicks "Pause" or "Stop" buttons. To create a background track, you can assign a small MP3 audio clip which will continuously cycle while your video is running. This feature especially enhances voice presentations made with low- or mid-quality microphones. Any small voice distortions are obscured by the background music, enabling your presentation to approach professional quality without need for a sound studio. The background audio is not streamed through the Internet but is instead embedded into the player.

These options allow your viewers to enjoy Openworld Flash Presenter's advanced "rich presentation" features while conserving Internet bandwidth.

2. Saving your Presentation in several file formats.

Your presentation is now ready to be exported in file formats suitable for webcasts (viewable online via the Internet), or for local viewing with a Windows or Macintosh computer in cases where the presentation is to launched directly from files stored on the users' hard drive, CD-ROM, DVD, or USB drive.
Your options include:
 • saving in the universal Flash (SWF) format for viewing in all commonly-used web browsers;
 • saving as a single executable file in the MS Windows EXE format; and
 • saving as an Apple Mac OS X application that contains all of the components of your presentation.

IMPORTANT: Regardless of which output format you choose for your presentation, you will have three options for loading the video/audio track into your presentation:

 • Local File (or HTTP Progressive Download for online presentations). Choosing this video/audio loading option is most suitable when presentation is oriented to offline playback.

 • HTTP Streaming. Choosing the HTTP Streaming option is the best options when presentation is oriented to online delivery, but RTMP-compliant server can't be used for some reason. In this case presentation can be uploaded to any HTTP (web) server with a scripting language (like PHP) and a database engine (like MySQL) support.

 • RTMP Streaming. The RTMP Streaming option is the preferred choice for online presentations, when RTMP-compliant server (like Adobe Flash Media Server) is available. In this case the video/audio track is delivered through a RTMP-server, whereas all other presentation parts (which always are in SWF format) are delivered through usual web (HTTP) server of any type.

See below for more information about several video loading methods. The video loading method is accessible through the Video Delivery Method drop-down list in the Export Properties page.

Online/Offline Presentation in Flash format

If you save the presentation in Flash (SWF) format, you have the option of webcasting it by uploading it to a webserver, or alternately, of launching it locally using Adobe Flash Player. Saving the presentation in Flash format will allow you to choose the way you would like the video to be loaded.

To save in Flash format, choose the "Flash Movie" option from the Output Format drop-down list in the Export Properties page.

• The individual components (video, slides, Transcript) of the presentation will be saved automatically in separate folders. These files can be individually accessed, if desired, for updating and editing.

• Your presentation, once saved in the .swf format, may be uploaded to a web server or run locally on your computer.

• The presentation can be viewed using Adobe Flash Player, a free software application from Macromedia/Adobe for playing SWF files.

Offline Presentation in the MS Windows EXE format

If you choose to create a presentation as a single executable file, the saved .exe file can be burned on CD/DVD or other removable media and easily launched by the user. All the components of the presentation will play directly from this single executable file, without having to be saved as temporary files on the hard disk of your viewer's computer. The need for installing the presentation files on the user's computer does not arise.

To save your presentation as a Windows EXE file, choose the "Windows Executable" option from the Output Format drop-down list, located in the Export Properties page.

• All the components of the presentation such as video, slides and Transcript will be consolidated into one .exe file. (Such a file cannot be edited and will be saved in a read-only format.)

• Your .exe presentation can be distributed via a CD-ROM, DVD, or other removable media - and played on any PC because it contains a built-in Flash player.

• Your presentation can be exported with an auto-run file to automatically launch the presentation from a CD.

• Security (password protected) and copyright options (with a unique program identification number) are available. This option is especially valuable when you create CD-ROMs or DVDs for commercial distribution.

Offline Presentation in the Apple Mac OS X Application format

If you choose to create a presentation in a Mac OS X Application format, the saved .zip archived file will contain the APP formatted files structure. It can be copied to a Mac computer and unzipped by any software, available for Mac OS, working with ZIP archives. You can download one of free tools from here. The unzipped APP file can be burned on CD/DVD or copied to other removable media, and easily launched by the user. All components of a presentation will play directly from this application file, without having to be saved as temporary files on the hard disk of your viewer's computer. Accordingly, there is no need to place any installation files on the user's computer.

3. Video Delivery.

You may choose to use either the local or the HTTP Progressive Download or HTTP Streaming mode of delivery for the video, or even opt for RTMP mode of live streaming from a Adobe Flash Media Server. In the last case please refer to the Adobe Flash Media Server Documentation to learn more about how to stream Flash video. You can find the basic instruction of how to setup Flash Media Server to deliver the video/audio here. The HTTP Streaming technology is discussed here.

Exporting your Presentation - step by step

 Choose the file format for exporting of your presentation. Please refer to the description above as needed to understand the difference between Flash, EXE and APP presentation file formats.

 Choose the video delivery method. Select an appropriate option from the Video Delivery Method dropdown list in the Export Properties page to select the video delivery mode: either local/HTTP Progressive Download, HTTP Streaming or via an RTMP server. Refer to the description above to get more information about each delivery method advantages.

 Assign the Flash Media Server domain name/IP address if you've chosen the RTMP video delivery method. Click here to get more information about server-side configuration.

 Choose the video subdirectory if you have chosen the local/HTTP Progressive Download video delivery option. The subdirectory should be identified through a relative path (specifying a single subdirectory name) rather than full directory pathname where the subdirectory is located on your individual computer. Your video will be saved in this subdirectory within the presentation export directory.

 You must specify the full pathname (in the form of a URL) to the video delivery script, however, if you choose the HTTP Streaming method. Click here to learn more about how to specify this script.

 Choose the directory to export your presentation. Click on the yellow "Folder" button to select the output directory for exporting your presentation.

 You can click "Preview" button to see how your presentation will look.

 Click the "Export" button to export your presentation into the file format chosen above.

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