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Openworld FlashPresenter Features

Getting Started with Openworld FlashPresenter

Your Presentation Screen

PowerPoint Import

PowerPoint Import Wizard

Step 1 - Open Presentation

Step 2 - PowerPoint Slide Narration

Step 3 - Narration Results

PowerPoint Import Preferences

Creating New Presentation

Getting Started

Video Setup

Video Encoding Setup

Transcript Setup

Slides Setup

Media Synchronization

Synchronization Overview

Editing Transcript

Synchronizing the Transcript

Contents Creation

Synchronizing Slides

Synchronizing Speakers

Hyperlinks and Resources Links Creation

Synchronizing Hyperlinks and Resources Links

Glossary Building

Creating Quizzes

New Quiz Creation

Quiz Properties Setup

Quiz Customization

Quiz Results Processing

Presentation Export

Exporting Your Presentation

Using HTTP Streaming technology for video/audio


Flash Media Server
Configuration Basics

Accompanying Tools

Video Converter

Video Joiner

Video Encoding Preferences

MP3 To FLV Converter

MP3 Compressor

Audio Uncompressor

MP3 Sound Recorder


DEMO Mode Limitations

Software Activation and Order Information

Contact Information


New Quiz Creation

How to create quizes:

You might want to insert quizes into your presentation or e-learning course to test your viewers' skills as before some materials study as after that. Adding such quizes to your presentation is just a simple process.

Use the tool buttons located above the tree-view to manage the quizes and questions. Alternatively, you can right-click to access the popup menu for the same.

The action sequence for creating quizes is given below, and the following illustration shows at a glance, the steps involved in the process:

Adding Quizes and Questions

Note: The root items of the tree-view are Quizes. Questions are grouped together within quizes. Each quiz may contain as many questions as you might wish to have.

1. Adding Quiz

 Click the "Add Quiz" tool button, located to the extreme left

  An empty tree-type entity appears at the root level for editing

  Edit the title for the quiz. This title will appear in the quiz title area in your presentation and also it is shown as the popup hint of the quiz marker in the transcript window, what helps you distinguish between the quizes as you relate them to specific points in the transcript.

2. Adding Questions

We've just created the Quiz root item and will now proceed to create the Questions within the quiz.

 Click the “Add Question” button (to the right of the "Add Quiz" tool button).

  A new child item appears under the current quiz root item

 Edit the title of this child item

Note: This question title DOES NOT appear on your presentation screen. You'll use question editor to create the question itself. The title which we create for the tree item is required only to identify the question within the quiz.

Now we've added question to the quiz and can edit as quiz as question properties, using Quiz Properties panel, located below the quiz tree-view.

3. Adding Synchronization Line into Transcript

It is important to understand that quiz marker cannot be co-located with other marker types like topics, slides, etc. This is because quiz should stop the presentation's playback and freeze it until the testing is finished. Therefore we must use a pause in the video/audio track to insert a quiz. But usually we can't just assign quiz to a paragraph of transcript, because usually paragraph, going after quiz, will be related to a new chapter, containing new slide and/or new topic title. Therefore we insert a Synchronization Line, invisible in the exported presentation but visible in the Transcript window. So, we choose the paragraph, after wich new Synchronization Line should be placed, then choose "Insert Synchronization Line" menu item from the popup menu and click it. New synchronization line appears after the paragraph chosen.

4. Adding Time Marker to Synchronization Line

Do it just as it was described for Transcript Synchronizing, either using popup menu or drag&drop technique. Please note, that you must have a pause of 3 to 5 sec. in the audio/video track to insert quiz into the beginning part of this pause and have a little time gap between quiz startup and the subsequent chapter startup to let presentation navigate correctly between several its parts.

5. Adding Quiz to Synchronization Line

Do it just as it was described for other marker types setup, either using popup menu or drag&drop technique.

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